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Osteoporosis can lead to dizzy spells and neck pain, but these symptoms don't come along very often. You may have a condition known as cervical spondylosis and you should see a doctor for a confirmed diagnosis.

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Q: You are 70 and suffer from osteoporosis and have started having dizzy spells and neck pain is this related to your condition?
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While the word porous isn't generally used in medical terminology, -porotic is the medical terminology combining form meaning porous. For instance, osteoporotic means a condition of more porous bones.

How can you prevent osteoporosis from happening?

Osteoporosis can prevent by having self discipline. Eating healthy foods and having proper exercise is the keys.

Can you conceive a child while having osteoporosis?

Yes, you can. There may be complications and it will make your osteoporosis worse, but yes.

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What does hypoglycemic mean?

Of or related to hypoglycemia, a condition of having low blood sugar levels.

Without seeing a doctor, how would I know if I have osteoporosis?

There are several symptoms that could give indications of havind osteoporosis. A doctors visit is required though to get official confirmation of having osteoporosis.

My boyfriend has been having severe chest pains can it be Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is weakening of the bones, chest pains mean you should go to the doctor. Stat!

What is osteopenia?

osteopenia refers to decreased calcification or density of bone. having osteopenia places a person at risk for developing osteoporosis, a more serious condition that causes bones to become brittle or possibly break.Bone deficiency

What is the main complication of osteoporosis?

Having osteoporosis with progressively weaken your bones, making it brittle and predisposing one to fracture. This is especially common in post-menopausal women.

What is osteopoposis?

Osteoporosis is the thinning of bones. Older females are more at risk, as well as smokers. Some medications may also increase the risk of having osteoporosis.

What should I do to prevent having osteoporosis?

Getting enough calcium and vitamin d are essential in preventing osteoporosis. Eating healthy and keeping active will help significantly with prevention.

What is Disease of the bone?

Osteoporosis is a disease of the bones and is more common in older women. There are certain risk factors which include being white or Asian, having low bone density, being thin and small, having a history of osteoporosis and certain medications.