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Ok slow down. Youre only 9. Dating really shouldn't be on your mind right now. But I'll answer it anyway. Find out more about him, don't rush into it. And try to think about this. Do you like him back? If so, have some fun or wait until you're older.

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Q: You are 9 years old and a boy in your class likes your but he is 10 years old?
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You are 9 years old and a boy in your class likes you but he is 10 years old?

so what say yh if he's im ur yr he must be only a few months older other wise if u lk im ull regret it l8r

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It's okay for a boy and a girl to be friends at that age.However dating is something you should not think about until you are older.

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just grab him and kiss him that is not right try to talk to him and get to no him first.

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You can't make anyone like you. It's up to him or her whether they like you ! Just be yourself, and if he likes you. Then he likes you !:)

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If you like him in return you should tell him about your feelings! Good Luck!

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An ounce of of some class a weed and a nice pretty bong. No matter if he doesn't smoke he will like it every teenage boy likes weed.

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ask him if he likes you or have a/some friends ask him if he likes u

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Then if she likes you too, hang out with her. But if she doesn't, back off. Because that's a little creepy to some people.

How do you know if a 13 or 14 year old boy likes you?

There's usually barely any signs for someone of that age. If you own a phone, and you text the boy a lot, he probably likes you. Talking to you during class, giving compliments, or helping you with problems are also signs.

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It is highly unlikely. If a 12 year old boy likes a girl he normally has the common sense to be kind to her and see if she likes him back.

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