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Well that's actually kind of creepy, but lets put aside the whole thing about how you're a grown man and she's still pretty much a kid and just look at this more objectively.

That's a 7 year age difference. If you're just going to talk to her and are not interested in dating her... yeah that's no big deal. You cant be like, "Excuse me, are you 16? Oh. I cant talk to you. sorry." O.o that's weird. but if you mean you want to get to know her for potential romance? Bad idea.

1) She's young enough to be your kid sister, and she'll act like it. You'll start to feel like you're babysitting after a while. She's going to have annoying 16 year old girl habbits, and they are going to drive you nuts.

2) She's imature, she's into boys, she's super excited about getting a car and cant wait for her senior year--which is still a ways away, I might add. And you are....? 23. Finishing college and/or starting a carreer. looking for a serious relationship with the potentiol to get married and have kids. You two have waaaay different priorities.

3) She's going to be doing ALOT of growing up and changing in the next few years... and you arent. In 5 years, she won't be the same person she is now.. but you probably will be. I'm not saying it would never work... but I am saying its not very fair or safe. When she's 19 and a freshmen in college... you'll be 26. Practically an old man. You'll be closer in age to some of her professors then to her.

4) What will the two of you DO!? You're 23! You can drink, smoke, drive, get married, leave the country, go to dance clubs... she can hitch a ride with her mom to her part time job at Chick-Fil-A.... Would you even have fun with her? Doing innocent kid stuff an extra 4-6 years while you're waiting? And that's basically what your relationship would be for you... always only waiting. Cause anything else is illegal.

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