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You must see your doctor to rule out anything serious.

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Q: You are always on time for period but now am 3 months late you are gay so there is no chance of being pregnant what else can it be?
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What are the chances of getting pregnant a week after the period has ended?

There is ALWAYS a chance that you can get pregnant after engaging in intercourse ...

Would I still get pregnant the day after my period?

There is always a chance of getting pregnant anytime of the month. Just because it is the day after your period does not mean you can't get pregnant, you can get pregnant on your period as well.

Your girlfriend hasn't had her period for 5 months if you were to have intercourse would there be a chance of her gettting pregnant?

Yes, there is always a chance especially if she is not on birth control and no protection is used. She should see a doctor that is also abnormal.

I am in full menopause have not had a period in 19 months can you get pregnant?

In general no, but there are always exeptions.

Does a girl gets pregnant if she has an intercourse at the first day of her period with a condom?

yes you can get pregnant if you have sex before or at the begining of your period you can get pregnant at anytime. with a condom you have a better chance of protection against pregnancy and diseases but it doesnt mean you wont get pregnant. theres always a chance you can get pregnant with a condom

If a woman is taking the pill can she become pregnant during her period?

There is always a chance of getting pregnant when having sex even on the pill.

Are you pregnant or about to have a period?

90% chance your pregnant

If you are pregnant how do you know?

You know that you are not pregnant .. if you had sex when you were un-fertile (but there is still a chance) and also .. You come on your period on the normal days you would have the other months

Can a woman get pregnant if she has her period?

If she gets her period, then she isn't pregnant. If you have sex while she is on her period then there is a chance she will get pregnant.

You heard you cant get pregnant on your period is that true?

no. you ALWAYS have a chance of gettin preggers. its just less likely to happen on you're period

What is the chance of being pregnant if he ejaculated twice and i have not had a period for 6 to 9 months?

very high. see a doctor ASAP

Could you get pregnant if you have not gotten your period for 2 months?

could you get pregnant if you have not gotten your period for 2 months?