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There is no problem with the combination. Fatigue and weight gain can be from the lithium the Prozac or from the depression they treat. I suggest discussing it with your doctor.

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Q: You are currently taking Lithium before bed Prozac midday and you are on the NuvaRing you are always tired you have gained a lot of weight you are always depressed Is this an unhealthy combination?
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When was NuvaRing invented?

NuvaRing was first approved in The Netherlands on February 14, 2001, then by all 14 other countries then in the European Union on June 12, 2001, and in the United States by the FDA on October 3, 2001.[1] NuvaRing was first marketed in the United States in July 2002, followed by several other European countries in late 2002.[2] In March 2007, Organon announced the market launch of NuvaRing in Australia, bringing the total number of countries where NuvaRing is available to 32. NuvaRing is currently used by approximately 1.5 million women worldwide.

Where do you insert nuvaring?

You insert NuvaRing in the vagina.

Does urine affect NuvaRing?

Urine does not affect NuvaRing.

What hormones are in nuvaring?

NuvaRing contains etonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol.

Why are you spotting after taking out NuvaRing?

When NuvaRing is in, it is releasing hormones in your body. When you take out NuvaRing that hormone level goes down, and you have bleeding or spotting.

Is there a weight limit for using NuvaRing?

There is no weight limit for using NuvaRing.

Does Lexapro affect nuvaring?

There are no known drug interactions between Lexapro and Nuvaring

Do opiates affect NuvaRing?

There are no known drug interactions between opiates and NuvaRing

Can the NuvaRing cure a ruptured cyst?

NuvaRing will not cure or treat a ruptured cyst. Use of NuvaRing may prevent new ovarian cysts from occurring.

How do you make nuvaring ineffective?

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Does bactrim or flagyl affect nuvaring?

Neither Bactrim nor Flagyl affect NuvaRing.

Is nuvaring a barrier birth control?

No, NuvaRing is a combined hormonal birth control method.