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Q: You are getting married next month country western theme in your backyard you want to get a couple of chickens for the chick coop as part of the theme will the chickens freakout over 40 guests?
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Related questions

What do you need for backyard chickens when it rains?

Shelter. when raising chickens in the backyard it is always advisable to have some form of shelter or allow the chickens access to the chicken coop at all times. Shelter from wind and rain can easily be arraged with a few boards and a tarp.

How do you stop badgers getting chickens?

teach your chickens to fly

Your Standard poodle keep getting out of the backyard?

If your backyard is fenced, try to look for the spot/s that your dog is getting under. Once you find the spots block them off with pieces of wood or wire.

How are you able to control the birds in your backyard?

Most people tend to try and attract birds to their backyard by putting out seed. If you really want to control them you can try getting a cat which is the number one backyard bird predator.

How do you get the horse on backyard monsters?

By getting offerd a truce from the Wild Monsters

How can you stop your chickens from getting diarrhoea?

you can feed them less foood

I have 12 hens but only getting 6 or 8 eggs a day should you get more?

I would probably think about getting some new chickens. As chickens age they lay less eggs.

Why was DDT still getting into chickens over 20 years after it was banned?

DDt is still getting into chickens after 20 years because it is still in the soil. it was banned due to the health problems it caused.

Why do chickens bury their eggs?

They bury their egges because they want their chickens to survive without getting sizzled on a farmers frying pan

How do you put a chicken in with other chickens without it getting attacked?

debeak them. hope this helps

Are chickens carnivore's or herbivore's?

they are both no kidding. in the summer if they are in a pen and not getting enough greens they will peck at eachothers butts. my chickens do so we have to give them enough greens in the summertime.

Why do chickens chirp and not bock?

Baby chickens voices are not fully developed so their voices are very high. while getting older, their voice starts to deepen and ends up as a "bock"