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Well many things are possible.

The one I would hope, under the circumstances, is that as a pathetic scoundrel that failed to do as they solemnly swore to those that trusted and helped him, but instead ran from all feeling of obligation and abandoned any desire for respect, that your karma for several life's is so bad that balance will eventually be restored.

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Q: You are not paying your credit cards and moving to India what will happen if i don't pay anything and just leave for good?
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Assuming it is about a car, they will take it away, you will lose your deposit and your credit will be ruined.

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If you can pay for something in full do it. That way you know there isn't a way to lose the car if something were to happen. Always do that if possible because you have to pay interest or anything and the credit will go up anyway.

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If it isn't on your credit report, the credit card company still has hopes of you paying it off. When they see that isn't going to happen, you can bet your butt that it WILL be on your credit report.

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No it won't affect your credit report unless you happened to charge the item to a credit card and not pay for the item once charged to the card.

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no a credit card company may not take your home away. a creditor can never take anything away if the debt is unsecured such as a credit card. regardless of what anyone posts here, credit card companies cant do anything whatsoever if you stop paying them. your credit is ruined and they call alot, but that's all they can do.

How do you fix your personal credit?

Pay your bills, develop a history of paying your bills on time and in full. Repairing your credit doesn't happen overnight. Companies want to have assurances that you are a good risk. Paying a few bills doesn't convince anyone. It takes time.

What is an Example of good credit?

Paying off all credit cards each month Paying off all credit cards each month

Can paying off credit cards increase your credit score?

Yes off course. Paying off any debts will increase your credit score.

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I would consider anything over 750 score an excellent credit rating 650 score good 620 - 650 score average anything below, needs some improvement by reducing debt and paying on time

How can paying down your credit cards lower your credit score?

Paying down your credit cards won't lower your scores-- but paying off and closing the credit cards will lower the scores. You want to show that your cards are not maxed out and you have plenty of room between the credit limit and the balance .

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Paying a debt on time improves your credit score if you had previously not been paying on time (or not at all!)