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This depends on the size of your vessel and the waters you are operating. A good starting point is to wear as little or NO cotton clothing as possible. Cotton is an evil thing when you enter the water. Wearing a polypropylene undergarments such as "Under Armor" is safer. You want to preserve body heat and wick the water from your skin. If you have the money to invest in a dry suit or immersion suit, that would be a great option, however they are out of the price range and practicality of the normal so-called "Boater".

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Q: You are planning to go boating in cold water conditions How should you equip your boat in order to be prepared for cold water immersion?
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Stormy conditions.

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Most boating accidents occur when the weather is calm and clear and winds are light. The main cause of boating accidents is human error.

Under which conditions do most boating accidents occur?

during calm, clear weather with light winds

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put on your life jacket if it's not already

You are planning to go boating in cold water conditions. How should you equip your boat in order to be prepared for cold water immersion?

This depends on the size of your vessel and the waters you are operating. A good starting point is to wear as little or NO cotton clothing as possible. Cotton is an evil thing when you enter the water. Wearing a polypropylene undergarments such as "Under Armor" is safer. You want to preserve body heat and wick the water from your skin. If you have the money to invest in a dry suit or immersion suit, that would be a great option, however they are out of the price range and practicality of the normal so-called "Boater".

Most boating accidents occur during which weather conditions?

During calm, clear weatherwith light winds

EP-36 Under which conditions do most boating accidents occur?

During calm, clear weather with light winds

Under what conditions do most boating accidents occur?

Most of them happen on hot days during busy times of the day.

What does boating mean?

/first of all its u boat

What should I always take with me when I go boating?

When you go boating, it's best to always remember a life jacket, sunscreen and also some way to contact people like a cell phone or CB. A hat is always good to keep your ears from being burnt. If you are planning on fishing, don't forget your rod!