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I think instead of "copy writing" you're asking about plagarism. And the answer is no. You can create a fictional Emerald of Ireland if you want to. You can use titles and names in your book any time you want. Notice in books you read that characters often drive a "Ford" or go to a "McDonalds." Just because it's a copyrighted name doesn't mean you can't use it in your story.

Be Free. Create Worlds. Write.

Good Luck.

Another Answer Well, first and foremost, NO, because Ireland is NOT called the 'Emerald Isle', not in any official or legal sense anyway. Ireland is simply referred to as 'The Emerald Isle' because of the high amounts copper in the soil which is said to make Ireland so green and have such healthy plant life and vegetation. The only names Ireland has ever been referred to legally are 'Ireland' which is the Anglicization of 'Eire' or 'Eireann' which is the Celtic Goddess after which the country is named. Previous to this Ireland was also referred to as 'Hibernia'.

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4mo ago

Using the term "Emerald of Ireland" in a book set in Ireland should not be an issue with copyright as long as the context is original and does not directly replicate existing works or trademarks related to Ireland being called the Emerald Isle. Just ensure that your story and any references to the Emerald of Ireland are unique to your book.

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Q: You are writing a book that is based in Ireland that has an the Emerald of Ireland in it but would it be copy writing since Ireland is called the Emerald Isle?
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