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Is there a chance of mercury poisoning? Yes, but it is a very, very, very small chance (so small it is barely worth mentioning). Wash the cut with a little soap and water and you should be just fine.

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1w ago

Yes, there is a risk of Mercury exposure if a compact fluorescent light bulb breaks and you are cut by it. It is important to clean up the broken bulb carefully, avoiding direct contact with the mercury, and to seek medical advice if there are any symptoms of mercury poisoning such as nausea, vomiting, or difficulty breathing.

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Q: You cut yourself with a compact fluorescent light bulb is there a chance you may get mercury poising?
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What is a deficiency of selenium called?

lead poising

What happens when you mix milk and milk of magnesia?

you get food poising abd die

What is the best precauton against carbon monoxide poising?

Always breathe fresh air. In particular, be sure your garage or any enclosure in which gasoline engines are running is well-ventilated. Be sure your gas furnace and water heater have an unobstructed vent. A carbon monoxide detector is a good idea in any enclosed area.

What will be the charge on a aluminum ion?

Because Aluminium has valence shell electronic configuration of 3s2 3p1 This indicates it has 3 valence electrons and so, it has to loose 3 electrons to gain stability, . Aluminum has 13 protons(+ve charge) and 13 electrons(-ve charge) and after poising 3 electrons it's net charge becomes 13 - 10 that is + 3 .

Why is it poisonous for us to breathe in oxygen only?

If you breath 100% Oxygen, it is not immediately poisonous and can be beneficial for a short time. However the human body has evolved to breath a gas mixture called air. Air is 80% Nitrogen and 20% Oxygen and if you breath a gas mixture significantly richer in Oxygen for a protracted period, then the Oxygen affects the functioning of most body systems and can lead to death. Also breathing Oxygen where the partial pressure of the Oxygen exceeds 1.2 bar, can cause acute oxygen poising resulting in convolutions. SCUBA divers need to take this into account when diving, especially on mixed gasses.

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Are the Mudd color change Tshirts safe?

no they can kill you, they contain a toxic substance called, mercury and then you shall get mercury poising........................ ............... ................ ............ just kidding there real cute gurl ! (:

Are gay poising the American way of life?

No, in fact there is no such word as poising.

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After poising the food with a secret ingredient, she served it to her guests at the dinner party.

How can you remember hg means mercury on the periodic table?

This is kind of a silly answer, but it works. Mercury is Hg. Mercury is toxic, and in a nutshell, mercury poising causes madness. (Think of the mad hatter from Alice and Wonderland - he had mercury poisoning.) Happy gas also makes you be silly. So Hg = Happy gas = silly = mercury.Hope my silly method helps!

Can you get food poising from shushi?


What is a deficiency of selenium called?

lead poising

How microorganisms can cause food poising?

They just can and that's that!

Can you eat Apple Tart made with cornflour?

Why not? It's not poising

A type of food poising caused by salmonella?


How are people dealing with feral animals in Australia?

THey are trapping and poising them.

What part of speech is the word poising?

Poise is a noun and a verb.

How does Ecoli poising occur?

When a product has the Ecoli bacteria and you consume it.