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Q: You don't have morning sickness can you be pregnant?
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You are 6 weeks pregnant but no vomiting is it ok?

yeah some people dont have morning sickness or any sickness @all durin pregnancy.

What percent of pregnant women don't have morning sickness?

Approximately 75% of pregnant women have some degree of morning sickness in early pregnancy.

How is morning sickness diagnosed?

Because it is such a common occurrence, morning sickness is easily diagnosed in pregnant women.

Can you have morning sickness before implantation?

Morning sickness is there once you are pregnant, so for over nine months you will not have your period.

If I'm not throwing up when I am pregnant does that mean something is wrong?

NO... it just means you are extremely lucky... some ppl dont get morning sickness nand some ppl do. All morning sickness is is how your body reacts to the hormones.

Do you have to have morning sickness to know that you're pregnant?

No. Some women never experience morning sickness. If you suspect you might be pregnant, take a pregnancy test to be sure.

Im not pregnant but sometimes you feel morning sickness can this be that im pregnant?

If you are not pregnant then no you cannot be pregnant.

What if you have morning sickness are you pregnant?

You could be. Take a test

What are the symptoms when you get pregnant?

A late period and morning sickness.

Can you still get pregnant if you didn't have morning sickness?


Do men get morning sickness when women are pregnant?

They can. It's something to do with sympathy pains and sympathy morning sickness. Funny, but true.

Do dogs have morning sickness?

Some female dogs can and do get morning sickness, usually during their 3rd and 4th week of pregnancy. This is when egg implantation into the uterus wall occurs. Morning sickness can involve loss of appetite (going off of feed) and/or mild vomiting, and usually only lasts 2-3 days, at most.