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never starve yourself! that is completely unhealthy! if you want to lose weight talk to your doctor.

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Q: You dont know whever you should starve yourself or no?
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you dont. dont starve yourself

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you may die in about 3 days! please dont starve urself! anorexia is a serious problem!

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Actually you are underweight! Whatever age but for your height you should be at least 100 pounds by now. And dont starve yourself if thats what your doing Hope i helped :)

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so u dont starve duh!!! context:

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You starve them and dont take them for walks and give them cookies they should soon die

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What do you do to lose weight without starving yourself?

go for runs, and exercise more.. eat beter. drink heaps of water, but dont starve your self! its the worst thing to do! just eat heaps well.. & cut out the extra fattystuff that you dont need! you, can do it! believe in yourself! PEACE!

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usually people diet to lose weight, there really are no effects of dieting just as long as you dont starve yourself trying to lose weight.If you are trying to lose weight than dieting and alot of excersise is probably something you should consider.

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just be yourself

What happens if you eat?

You keep on living! you dont starve to death!

Is there somthing that you can do at home to lose a lot of belly fat?

You can always do crunches and torso twists and jackknives and bicycle excercise and eat healthy ( DONT STARVE YOURSELF O RPERGE CUZ THAT DONT WORK!) also you can do wii fit if you have a wii