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Q: You eat me from the inside out and yet i have no shell?
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Why does the bird have to crack through a seed coat?

because all the 'good stuff' is in side the shell and its to tuff to eat... its like a orange, you can eat the 'shell' but the stuff inside is nicer.

What do star fishes eat?

Starfish eat clams they can pull open a clam shell the slitest little bit and put their stomach inside the clam eat eat the inside of the clams.Starfish love to eat clams

Can you eat turtles?

no because it has a shell that is hard and you cant eat the shell because the shell is attached to the turtle

Can a insect eat you from the inside out?

There are no insects that have been established to eat man from the inside out. However, fungus can eat flies from the inside.

What do araucana chickens eat to make eggs bluer?

The color of the hens egg shell is not determined by the feed. The breed of the chicken is the determining factor of the egg shell color she will lay. You can influence the color of the yolk inside the egg somewhat by a diet high in beta carotene. Araucana chickens produce the blue egg because they extrude a bile high up in the oviduct as the shell is forming. Other breeds like Rhode Island Red hen eggs have the color introduced to a white shell further down in the oviduct. A fresh brown egg can have the brown color removed with some light scrubbing soon after laying, you cannot scrub off the blue of an Araucana egg as it goes all the way through to the inside of the shell. Look at the inside of any brown egg...It is white. If you look at the inside of a blue/green egg, it is the same inside as outside.

Related questions

How do you eat a sun flower seed?

My opinion is if you brake the shell first and then eat the inside. Sometimes i would like the shell or if it a shell and lick it (dont judge me) or something and then crack it and eat the inside OK

What part of the peanut do you eat?

The part of the peanut that you eat is the seed inside the shell, which is commonly referred to as the peanut kernel. The peanut kernel is rich in nutrients and has a crunchy texture when roasted.

How are kina eaten?

You crack the shell open and eat the inside

What does a starfish eat and how does it get its food?

It eats shell fish (mollucs) and will attach to the outside of the shell, and will use it's muscles to open it, and eat what's inside.

Why does the bird have to crack through a seed coat?

because all the 'good stuff' is in side the shell and its to tuff to eat... its like a orange, you can eat the 'shell' but the stuff inside is nicer.

How do you do you clean a crab?

There are many ways to clean a crab, but what I do is boil them for about 20 minutes, and then remove the top of the shell. To do this, find the seam where the two halves of the shell meet and pull apart. You may want to use a knife. Then, wash out the guts from inside the shell. Most people just eat the legs and claws, but you can eat the meat inside the shell along where the legs are. Once you open the shell, it will be very obvious what is edible and what is not.

Why are tortoises endangered?

tortoises are not endangered yet. they are watched very carefully though. because they do not reproduce often there is not many wild tortoises in the desert. ravens also have a huge impact on the disappearance of the tortoises. a raven will peck through the shell of the tortoise and eat what is inside the shell.

Are conchs herbivores?

No, conchs are not herbivores. They are primarily carnivorous, feeding on algae, small invertebrates, and organic debris in the water.

Can a predator eat a turtle when its in the shell?

An alligator could eat a turtle in its shell, and a shark could eat a sea turtle in its shell.

What is the hard stuff outside of an egg?

It is called the shell. When you boil eggs, after wards, you break the shell of the egg of to eat it.Or to protect the baby chicken inside if your gonna let it hatch.

Can turtles eat?

no because it has a shell that is hard and you cant eat the shell because the shell is attached to the turtle

Why do caterpillars eat there shells?

The egg shell contains vital nutrients for the caterpillar and help give it a jump start.