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Ultimately, if you gain weight, it means you take in more calories than your burn off. It could be that what you consider exercise is not be rigorous enough to burn fat (sweating doesn't mean you are burning fat) or that your workouts are too short to burn fat (20 minute minimum on the treadmill, for example), or maybe you eat/drink too much of the wrong things at the wrong times...etc.

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Q: You exercise lots and you are still over weight what does this mean?
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high metabolism or low-calorie diet accompanied by exercise - could also be a serious thyroid condition

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If you mean "weight", eat less calories and exercise.

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what do you mean by getting thicker? you mean putting on weight,if it is , yes one can , provide they take proper diet, and regular exercise.

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You're gaining weight... so if you do not like it exercise, or eat healthier.

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Depends how tall you are and how big your bones are.

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It depends what you mean by side effects. However a balanced diet and proper exercise is the best way for a normal person to gain weight

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Whether a person regains weight lost through surgery depends on a number of factors, but if there is no significant change in diet and exercise habits then, yes, over time the person is much more likely to regain the weight they had lost.

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Are you over weight if im 12 and weigh 118 pounds?

Actually your not most kids your age are that weight because they go through changes but also kids your age desire to loose weight and be skinny in a short period of time, its possible all you have to do is drink lots of water and i mean it, watch what you eat like not fatty or sugary foods. Sodium is a big no and water will flush out the salt also the main key is to exercise alot you might exercise and complain that is to much and boring but doing it everyday with your mp3 will help alot. Hope this helped!:)

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The word cellucor does not really have a meaning. It is actually the name of a health supplement that, if combined with exercise will help you to lose weight.

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Perhaps you are not eating right. Exercise will mean nothing if you are eating too much or too unhealthy.