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The person you requested to follow has to approve your request before it shows up on your page.

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Q: You followed people on twitter but they arent showing up on my following list?
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Defne followed by?

Followed by is a term usually widely on Twitter in reference to the number of people following some tweep.

How do you see when someone followed you on Twitter?

At the top right hand corner it tells you how many people you are following and how many people are following you. If you click on those that are following you, they are in order of when they started following you. So, the one at the top is your most recent follower.

Who was the first person Justin Bieber followed on twitter?

It's impossible to know this as he is following so many people.

Will people on Twitter know if you have retweeted them?

Yes, you can actually know if someone retweet or mention you in twitter. It is a default feature in twitter and every tweeple (twitter people) can know who followed and mentioned them.

How many people are flowing Justin bieber on Twitter?

As of March 17,2011 8,202,406 people are following him on twitter

Can you pm someone on Twitter that is not following you?

It Depends On If The Person Have A Privacy Lock On Thier Account.. People Who Block They Page So Only The People Who They Are Following And Getting Followed Back Can Communicate. If The Person Account Is Not Locked You Can Send Them A Message And A Tweet.

Who is colacop1 on Twitter?

A brilliant Tweeter who is followed by 3 famous people

Can you follow someone on twitter if your 900 k and up?

I think you can follow someone on Twitter if you have 900 K people already. It should not matter how many people you are following or who is following you.

Can you see how many people are following a Twitter account?

Yes, you can see how many people are following a Twitter account. All you have to do is go to the person's profile and look at the "Followers" amount.

What is the big deal about Twitter and Facebook?

Facebook is for connecting with friends and family, or maybe even old collegues whom you've lost contact with. It is for showing off your holiday snaps and bragging about getting a promotion. Whereas, Twitter is hardly about connecting with friends, but more about following celebrities and catching up with their lives. As a vivid Twitter user, I am following 100 people, and not one of them I know personally!

Why are there posts in my twitter timeline from people that I am not following?

Someone that you are following would have "retweeted" the tweet.

When TV stations say send us a message on Twitter what do they mean. I am new to Twitter and as I understand I can only send messages to people following me - the TV station is not following me?

You may send a tweet (or @reply) to anyone on Twitter; you certainly don't have to be following them! Following a Twitter user just means that all their tweets appear in the "timeline" on the home page of Twitter when you log in. (Along with your tweets and the tweets of anyone else you may be following.) To follow someone, go to their Twitter page and click the "follow" button. Anyway, to send a tweet to any Twitter user, just include an @ sign followed by the username of the user you want to send the tweet to. For example, if you want to send a tweet to the user with the username JohnSmith, include @JohnSmith in you tweet.