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If you are on Birth Control then that is normal because it is a side effect. Bleeding between periods can be pregnancy BUT its depends on the person. There are many other reasons why you can be spotting.

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Q: You had a normal period last month this month you had spotting Should you take a pregnancy test?
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Is the last day of spotting heavy?

No all the spotting should be light , and not last as long as your normal period. Yes, this is very normal during the early weeks of pregnancy.

Ive had all the symptoms of pregnancy but i am spotting like a normal very light period which is abnormal for me should i still take a pregnancy test?

It is still possible to be pregnant and have spotting. You should take a pregnancy test to make sure.

Is 'spotting only' period normal?

No spotting only period is not normal. You should consult you gynae for such case.

Should you be worried if you had a normal period then you had light spotting afterwards but a few days later you and your boyfriend had sex and the spotting got heavier then settled after a few days?

You should take a pregnancy test to be safe.

Can you get your period in early pregnancy?

yes, it is known as spotting and is normal , but it should be a very small amount of blood,, you shuld always go to a doctor

Around what time period does spotting happen in pregnancy?

Generally around when your period should be

Should you take a pregnancy test if you are spotting?

Spotting is an early sign of pregnancy as it can show that it would either be your hormone cycle triggering bleeding when you period should have been due or that a fertilised egg is embedding into your uterus lining. Spotting is either a light red like your period but can vary up to a brown colour. It is completely normal is pregnancy and is usually the earliest sign, so yes take a pregnancy test to determine if you are pregnant!

Blood spotting on period could you be pregnant?

Sometimes women have implantation spotting that they confuse with their period. You should take a pregnancy test to see if you are pregnant.

How far along am i had a normal period in aug and dark spotting for two days in sept which should you go by to calculate your pregnancy?

From what I have been reading about implantation bleeding I would say that the dark spotting is that. I would say that you should estimate a week before the dark spotting and that is when you got pregnant.

Would it be possible for normal spotting during pregnancy to be a little heavy - not period heavy - but a small flow?

Yes it is possible if this isn't normal for you.

You have the IUD in an had a period but you been having back pains n spotting brown are you pregnant?

Take a pregnancy test to find out. Back pain is not the chief symptom of pregnancy, and brown spotting can be normal with the IUD.

Can spotting replace a period?

Spotting can occur between periods, and it is usually lighter and shorter than a normal period. If you experience spotting instead of a normal period, it may indicate hormonal changes, pregnancy, or other underlying health issues. It's important to consult a healthcare provider for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate management.