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Q: You had an etopic pregnancy and bleed for 3 months due to it and now that's its done everytime you and your bf have sex you bleed does anyone know What is wrong with you?
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Can gagging be part of a pregnancy?

During the first 2 months that I was pregnant with my son I would gag everytime I tried to brush my teeth in the morning. I dont know if its a normal symptom but it certainly happened to me.

How many months in a pregnancy?

9 months

How long after an etopic pregnancy do you have to wait to conceive again?

It depends on your doctors advice. Usually three months before trying to conceive again. If you had a molar pregnancy you should be having regular checkups to ensure that all the prregnancy hormone has gone. As Trisha said you should wait until the doctor tells you it is all right to conceive again. According to the website this may be 6 to 12 months. it is mis-spelled above, try "molar pregnancy" if you google that, you will easily find your answer.

What is Trimester?

a trimester is 3 months of your pregnancy. there are 3 trimesters in a pregnancy. 1-3 months, 4-6 months, and 7-9 months.

What happens to an embryo during the first two months of pregnancy?

The first two months of pregnancy are the most important months of the pregnancy. The heart, brain, and other vital organs begin developing.

Can you bleed when your four months pregnant?

Spotting at 4 weeks pregnant or around the same time as your period would have been due is quite common but should get medically checked to rule out possible miscarriage or etopic pregnancy. Its normally old blood and nothing to worry about. Miscarriage is normally very painful. good luck

Can pregnancy last 10 months?

A normal pregnancy lasts 10 months since it's 40 weeks.

How many months are 18 weeks in a pregnancy?

4 months

How low does depo last in the system after continuing the shot?

3 months everytime no matter what !

What does 9 M of P mean?

9 M of P means 9 months of pregnancy 9 months of pregnancy

How long is a term pregnancy?

Full term pregnancy is nine months

How many months are there in a pregnancy?
