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Perhaps nothing. More than likely, if this is workers comp they have already expended at least 15k-30K for surgeon/physician fees, hospital, medicine, lab bills,time off work etc..

If for instance after your surgery you do not have any type of impairment to your hands (which typically happens more in non-work comp cases) you would usually not be entitled to any additional money because like I said you have received thousands of dollars of free care already.

On the other hand, pun intended, if your ortho hand surgeon gives you an impairment will be given to the hand and then to the upper extremities and then to the body as a whole. So it is impossible to tell you how much you should ask for, because if your surgery went great and you have no residual symptoms you may be entitled to very little vs if you had severe CTS and permnanent damage and a large impairment can be proven you may be entitled to more. Remember lawyers will get about 25-30% off the top if they are involved.

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Q: You had carpal tunnel surgery in both hand how much should you ask for?
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Yes. Steroids are often used in treating carpal tunnel syndrome, as it reduces the inflammation and swelling. There are 2 forms, oral (by mouth) and by injection. Studies have shown improvement in carpal tunnel pain relief with both forms. Generally a better response with cortisone injection into the wrist area. One study showed this is a good alternative to carpal tunnel surgery for at least a year.

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If you have been diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome, it means you have it even if it is very mild.

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Many individuals develop carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands. For some the condition is worse in the dominant hand.

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I received a 5% impairment on both hands

When do you start physical therapy with carpal tunnel surgery?

None, I had it done in both hands, at different times. I found that I was able to move my fingers without any particular difficulty immediately and was fully functional again in about a week without any particular effort.

How will associate carpal tunnel syndrome to diabetes mellitus?

carpal tunnel syndrome to diabetes median nerve inflammation cause pain ,numbness,and less working of both hands .electromyography is helpful test for early stage

Is cases of carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands is common?

I think so yeh. My dad had this and they found it in both hands.

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