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If it was not implantation you could have been ovulating. if you still have pregnancy systoms take a home test first thing in the morning.

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Q: You had intercourse 10 days after your period normal 28 day cycle 4 days later you experienced intense nausea slight cramping and a headache Is it possible that implantation took place on that day?
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Headache possible implantation bleeding?

Hi I always been regular this month intead of my period I'm getting this strange bleendind w/ some cramping, also I have a bad haedache today does anyone know if that could be implantation bleeding?

Are there physicial symptoms associated with fertilization before implantation examples nausea headache slightly higher BBT temp tender breasts?

ANSWER: Hello, I have been pregnant/miscarriage twice this year and with each I had symptoms during implantation. This time I've experienced intense lower pack back and cramping, along with mild headache, though no bleeding/spotting. So, yes there can be symptoms/cues, but not everyone experiences them. Some women don't experience anything until late in the first trimester. I never had 'morning sickness' with my first child. Everyone is different.

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That depends entirely on the type of headache being experienced.

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Tender breasts nausea tiredness headache and mild cramping are caused by what?

These are all clear signs that you are very much pregnant.

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Muscular cramping, especially abdominal and in the lower back, headache, fatigue, and fluid retention.

When you have bad migraine do you have to see a neurologist?

Any change in headache pattern indicates that you should see your physician. Headache Specialists are best for diagnosis and treatment of Migraine and other headache disorders. Neurologists can be helpful as can other physicians, but they are not as well versed or experienced as headache specialists in diagnosing and treating headache disorders.

Will tension headaches go away?

Episodic tension type headache is more easily treated than chronic tension type headache. Episodic means it comes and goes and isn't experienced as often as chronic TTH. For appropriate diagnosis and treatment of headache see your physician or a headache specialist.

Is it good to massage the head of fhe one with headache?

Whether a massage will be helpful to the headache patient depends both upon the type of headache being experienced as well as the patient. Sometimes headache can cause the body to become overly sensitive (called central sensitization) that makes being touched or massaged unbearable.

What are the drug interactions associated with taking lavender?

No known negative pharmaceutical interactions. Often combined successfully with other herbs to treat headache, cramping etc. And more . . .

What are the Side effects of the pill?

Side effects are: * Abdominal cramping * Nausea * Headache * Tiredness * Decrease/Increase in vaginal discharge * Swollen breasts * Tender nipples/breasts

Is it normal to have a migrain headache for 3 days and every time you sleep it goes away but when you wake up and get movin it comes back?

This is a frequent occurrence. You may be experiencing rebound or medication overuse headache. For a correct diagnosis and treatment of your problem, seek the help of a physician who is experienced with headache disorders. Headache specialists are neurologists specially trained in headache disorders and are a great place to begin your search.