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if this happens you should consult your doctor

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Q: You had pinching pain in your left chest as if some thing is stuck it continued for 02 days only in case of deep breath however after 02 days after sudden severe pain at same place it vanished?
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No. They breath using their lungs or with their lungs, but not "through" their lungs. They do however breath "through" their blowholes (to get the air in and out of their lungs).

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It is unlikely that a child would actually hold their breath until they die, as the body's natural reflexes would typically kick in before that point. However, it is important to take any threats of self-harm seriously and seek professional help if needed.

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As Mario is a video game character, he can hold his breath for however long you control him underwater.

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The odor of an alcoholic beverage on the breath will dissipate with time. It's also possible to cover the odor with breath mints, mouthwash, etc. However, doing so will not prevent the detection of the alcohol in an alcohol breath test.

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Breathing is the process of taking air into and out of the lungs, while ventilation refers to the movement of air in and out of the lungs to facilitate gas exchange. Ventilation involves both breathing (inspiration and expiration) and the distribution of air within the lungs.

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Trichomoniasis does not infect the mouth, and does not cause bad breath. However, the medication causes a funny metallic taste in your mouth.

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Book two, Jacob : "Hey Rosalie, How do you drown a blond?" Then i continued on the same breath, "Stick a mirror to the bottom of a pool."

How can you pinch someone's ear and make them relaxed?

this is some info:to make someone relax by pinching their ear, you must pinch, pull and hold their ear lobe and tell them to take a deep breath. When puling the ear lobe, you must not pull too hard, as this can be painful.hope this helps :)

How do you think a fox's breath smells?

If you've ever smelled a dog's breath, it's probably very similar... so, not that great. However if you like the smell of rotting meat between teeth, a fox's breath smells delightful.

Is lizard breath poisonous?

No! However, some amphibians and reptiles can have poisonous bites and/or skin.