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Some women have periods during pregnancy, however if you were 3-4 months pregnant, you would probably be having some symptoms, I suggest a home pregnancy test. Good Luck ~pawsalmighty

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Yes. Take a pregnancy test if you miss your next period

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Look up Pam Stenzel.

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Q: You had unprotected sex 2 days after your ovulation day is it possible that you can become pregnant?
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Can you become pregnant a week after ovulation?

Yes you can.

If you have unprotected sex as soon as you got off your period what is the chances of you being pregnant?

Sperm can live up to 5 days inside the vagina, and girls' ovulation times vary. Ovulation generally occurrs 10-21 days after the start of the period, but it can even vary outside this range on a per diem. So depending on many random factors, it is still possible to get pregnant during this time.So lets say it takes a week for your period to end, and you have unprotected sex on day 7 of your cycle. That sperm can live until day 12, so if you normally ovulate on days 10-12 you could very easily become pregnant. Even if this isn't normal for you, it's possible for ovulation to occur early.

If you never use a condom how possible is to become pregnant?

Very possible. It depends how many days it has been since your last period, on average around day 14. If you are close to ovulation, you are likely to be pregnant.

How can i become pregnant in one week?

Just have unprotected sex.

When women can become pregnant?

When they wanna have a baby. duuhh! They get pregnant when its called sex... dont you know that?A woman gets pregnant when she ovulates. If her cycle is 28 days, ovulation is USUALLY around day 12-17 (The first day of bleeding is day 1) Ovulation lasts about 3 days. Ovulation predictor kits are available in drug stores and can tell her when she ovulates. a woman can get pregnant anytime she has unprotected sexa woman can get pregnant anytime she has unprotected sex

Can you be pregnant if you had intercourse at your most fertile time but still experienced ovulation-like pains for 4 days?

If you have unprotected sex and have missed your period, you are probably pregnant. Some women feel some cramping when the egg implants into the uterus. If you think you are pregnant, take a home test or go see a doctor.

Is it possible to have kids if you never had a period in your life?

It is possible, although not very likely. Women are unable to reproduce until they begin their menstrual cycle, which includes ovulation. Ovulation is when the egg cell is released from the ovaries and travels down the fallopian tubes into the uterus. It occurs about two weeks before the menstrual bleeding. If a woman were two weeks shy of having her first period, it is possible that she could become pregnant from unprotected sex.

Can a girl who has not stated her period get pregnant?

Getting pregnant is related to ovulation. Because a girl can ovulate before having her first period, it is possible to become pregnant before beginning to menstruate. Any time a girl has sex,she can potentially get pregnant.

If you are pregnant and have unprotected sex after your baby is born will you become pregnant again?

Why do you think there are families with more than one child?

If a man ejaculated sperm in me 2 days before my ovulation can I become pregnant?

Yes you definitely could become pregnant. You would be very fertile around this time.

The guy went inside of the girl 2 time what are the possibility of getting pregnant?

It only takes once with unprotected sex to become pregnant.

When can alady get pregnant?

well if your trying to become pregnant the best thing to do is get a ovulation test and use that or u can go 14 days after the first full flow of your period its best if you have sex before and during your ovulation.