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yes they wil not have room to move and they will kill each other

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Q: You have 2 clown loaches 3 small goldfish and one big one and a plectosomus and 2 swordtails and a zebra fish and 2 African dwarf frogs in a 10 gallon tank is that bad?
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Can a goldfish be with a ghostshrimp?

No, Goldfish belong with goldfish with a few exceptions such as weather (dojo) loaches, apple or mystery snails, or bristlenose plecos; but only if you have a large enough tank.

Will goldfish eat coolie loaches because they look like a worm?

Correct Me If I am Wrong , If The Loach is small enough to fit in the Goldfish , It will wind up there.

Can goldfish and fire belly frogs live in the same tank?

Goldfish should only live with goldfish with the exception of weather (dojo) loaches, bristlenose plecos, or mystery/apple snails.

Can you put a goldfish in the same tank with a tropical fish?

No, goldfish are best with goldfish with the exception of weather (dojo) loaches, bristlenose plecos, and apple/mystery snails.Although goldfish can survive in warmer water temperatures, they are a "cold water" fish and not a tropical fish.

What are Peaceful tropical tank mates for goldfish. i know that goldfish are cold water fish but in aquarium shops they live in the same temperature as other tropical fish 29 C in summer?

Weather loaches (dojo) are a good choice, so are related fish like Kulhi loaches. plecostomus catfish, coreys and other bottom dwelling fish work well. We have had some honey gouramis with our goldfish for years and no problems. Most knowlegable pet store owners should be able to hel you find some peaceful fish that can live with goldfish. Avoid chichlids they will usually beat up on goldfish.

What is the taxonomy for a goldfish?

Kingdom: Animalia - Animals Phylum: Chordata - Fish Class: Actinopterygii - Bony Fish Order: Cypriniformes - Carp, Minnows, Loaches Family: Cyprinidae - Carp Family , Minnow Family, Barbs and Barrels Genus: Carassius - Crucian Carp Species: C. auratus - Goldfish Subspecies: C. a. auratus - Goldfish

Can you put tropical fish in a goldfish tank?

Goldfish, even though they are technically cold-water fish, can do fine at tropical temps. Be careful though, even the smallest species of goldfish you can commonly find needs 10 gallons all to themselves, because they get really big.

What is the name of a tropical fish?

African cichlids, barbs, livebearers, synodontis catfish, loaches, cichlids, tetras, mailed catfish, labyrinthfish, and rainbowfish.

What is a long and skinny fish?

Needlefish, dojo loaches, kuhli loaches, ghost knives, etc.

What breed of fish gets along with the fantail goldfish other than the fantail goldfish?

another gold fish or try asking someone in a pet shop that sells fish maybe they can help

What are good goldfish tankmates?

Goldfish should live with goldfish with the exception of weather (dojo) loaches, bristlenose plecos, or apple/mystery snails.In my 20gal tank, I had a small school of neon tetra (about 6 survived the ride home from petco), an albino pleco, one comet goldfish and a fancy goldfish.

Can goldfish and newts live in same tank?

Goldfish are best with goldfish with the exception of weather (dojo) loaches, bristlenose plecos, or apple/mystery snails.You should not keep a fire belly newt with goldfish as their needs are very different. In addition, the newt needs a land area, so a smaller tank with partial water and a nice dry land area is best.