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Donny nowmyfjluiluiTurkicJogjakarta

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Q: You have all the pieces to the comic on big nate island on poptropica exsept the last one were is it?
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Where are all the comic pieces in bignate on poptropica?

In super power Island

How do you get bubblegum in bignate island on poptropica?

Collect all the pieces of the comic, then talk to the guy inside the comic shop. He'll give you gum as a reward.

Where is the key for the lockers on poptropica?

The lockers on Big Nate Island have combination locks. Nate's is written on the comic pieces.

Where do you get bubblgum on Big Nate Island on Poptropica?

I do know where but would rather tell you how.Simple.All you do is get all the comic pieces.

In the Poptropica game Big Nate Island the guy won't give you the gum but you have all eight pieces?

you need to put the pieces together into a comic strip.

Poptropica where do you find the chewing gum?

In big nate island, find all the missing comic pieces and then give it to the guy who wants it.

Weher do you get the gum on poptropica?

After you get all of the pieces of the comic to the Comic Shop Owner, he will give you a pack of gum. Type in " Where do i get all of the comic peices in Big Nate Island?" To find them all. Hope this answer helps!

How do you get a pack of gum on Poptropica?

all you have to do to get a pack of gum is: on Big Nate Island you have to collect all of the big nate comic book pieces.

Where are all the comics pieces on big nate island on poptropica?

There are nine places where the puzzle pieces exist on Big Nate Island in Poptropica. These are the in the comic store, in the school, in the pop-in shop, on the phone pole, in the science lab, on the wood tower, in the photo shop, in the playground, and on the lighthouse.

Cheats how to get the gum on poptropica?

get all the comic strip pieces and give them to the guy in the comic store

How do you give him the comic on poptropica?

He dosent need the comic. on the comic, when you get all the pieces, there will be a locker combo where you can go and put in at the school

How do you give the guy the comic pieces on poptropica?

by going to super power andgo to the comic shop give