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If you recieve legal papers on this debt and there is a reply that must be submitted then before the expiration date or day of trial you must submit a reply to the court & the plaintiff. For the plaintiff this can be done by mail. When submitting to the court you will have to pay a filing fee and the court will mail your answer to the plaintiff. What you would like to do though before filing is make sure that the debt collector has the correct data on the debt they are pursuing. In the state of Colorado you can add 12% interest to any claim plus court costs & filing fees. Until a judgement is made the plaintiff can not include this amount on your credit report. Most times Credit Reporting Agencies have inaccurrate data on you any way. You need to make sure that the amount of your actual debt is correct via CRA reports. If they are not accurrate dispute your credit report. If the plaintiff verifies the debt & they indeed have added charges of all kinds, or changed your original date of debt (running of the report),these fall under FACTA, and the FDCPA and you can demand compliance. Send a letter demanding verification as in the following example: Your Name 123 Your Street Address Your City, ST 01234 ABC Collections 123 NotOnYourLife Ave Chicago, IL Date Re: Acct # XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX To Whom It May Concern: This letter is being sent to you in response to a notice sent to me on September 30, 2002). Be advised that this is not a refusal to pay, but a notice sent pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 USC 1692g Sec. 809 (b) that your claim is disputed and validation is requested. This is NOT a request for

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Q: You have an old credit card debt form 122000 you received papers on this debt yesterday to submit a reply What is the best way to handle this old debtIf a judgment is placed what will happen?
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What does execution of judgment is stayed until final payment is received at which time judgment will be deemed satisfied mean and will the judgment actually be filed as to reach my credit report?

The statement, "execution of judgment is stayed until final payment is received at which time judgment will be deemed satisfied" means that the judgment will be held against you until the debt is completely paid off. You can then get a letter of clearance to have the judgment removed from your credit report. Most debts will remain on a credit report for 7-10 years, even after they have been paid and satisfied.

What is an outstanding judgment on a credit report?

An outstanding judgment is a court order that gives a creditor the legal right to collect from a debtor. As court judgments are a matter of public record, a creditor can report the judgment on the debtor's credit reports. An example of a judgment placed on a credit report would be a judgment for eviction. This judgment will remain on the credit report for seven years from the filing date.

How do you repair landlord tenant judgment from your credit?

Paying the judgment will help, but you will have to wait 7 years for the judgment to fall off your credit. Once the judgment is paid, it will show other landlords that you will fulfill your obligations, regardless of the stain on your credit.

If your father has defaulted on his credit cards and receives Medicaid received a Summons Can they do anything to him?

Question is not clear, but your father's Medicaid eligibility is not affected by his financial troubles. The credit card folks may get a judgment against him, which will affect his credit rating. If he comes into some money in the future, presumably they will attempt to collect that judgment, possibly from his estate.

Does a lawsuit by debt collector affect credit score?

Yes, if they get a judgment against you, and most do. Once the judgment has been entered and is public record, that judgment will go on your credit reports and it will tank your credit scores.

How long does a judgment stay on your credit report in Indiana?

Credit reports are national, not from state to state. A judgment will stay on your credit 7-10 years depending on the type of judgment regardless of what state you live in.

If your spouse has a judgment against them can it also be filed in the other spouse's credit report?

If the judgment names only one spouse as the judgment debtor it will not be entered on the non judgment spouse's credit report.

How long does judgment show on your credit?

Usually until the judgment is paid.

Does a judgment appear on the judgment debtor's credit report?

Generally, yes

What does it mean if a credit card company enters a judgment on you?

It means that you have that on your credit report for 8 years and that they have the right to collect the judgment from you.

How is a civil judgment entered on a credit report?

Credit bureaus contract agencies to search public records. The judgment is then reported to the credit bureau and the notation is placed in the file of the judgment debtor. False/mistaken judgment entries on credit reports are not uncommon and is a major reason why consumer's should check their report on a regular basis. A civil judgment is entered on a credit report 15 to 30 days after a court proceeding. If the judgment is in fact true in nature, you can negotiate with the creditor to pay them on different terms to keep the judgment off. If the judgment is not yours, you will need to find the state and county in which they were filed and dispute this information with all three credit bureaus.

Will a judgment be removed from a credit report if it is paid?

No. It will show that you had a judgment on your credit report for up to seven years, but it will show a zero balance.