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Q: You have been off the pill for 7 months and do not have regular periods you are having brown and pink discharge and you are cramping and bloated could you be pregnant?
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If your period is late but you are cramping could you be pregnant?

Periods can be late because of stress,diet, age and maybe irregular periods. Go take a pregnancy test if you think you might be pregnant the cramping could be a sign that your coming on your period from pink princess

What the color of a period when you are pregnant?

Women who are pregnant do not get periods. If you are pregnant and you are experiencing bleeding and/or cramping you should contact your Dr right away or go to the ER.

Brown discharge 2 days before regular periods can be pregnant?

No. It means that you have a uti

You have irregular periods but 2 days ago you had brown discharge and then pink when you wiped for 2 hours and was cramping like you were ON your period is this ovulation or implantation bleeding?

Based on my experience it is implantation bleeding. I had it a week before my period should arrive. But i knew i was pregnant when i had it. My husband and I are trying to conceive that's why even with a negative result i still believe i am. After 3 days of missed period true enough i was pregnant! I also had lower abdominal cramping and backpains. So goodluck!

Breast tender thick slimy vaginal discharge lighter period than usual nauseous could i be pregnant?

If not pregnant, lighter periods are due to infertility.

How many months into a pregnancy can you have your period?

Pregnant women do not get periods. If you are experiencing cramping or bleeding you should contact your Dr or go to the ER right away.

You do not know if you are pregnant you have irregular periods you are 2 months late and you have a brownish pinkish spotting right now and cramping are you pregnant?

spotting is Implantation bleeding which is a sign of pregnancy so yes you could be pregnant

Red Blood mixed with discharge Is this Implantation bleeding got it 9 days after period also can you still get periods while pregnant?

No,you might have had a miscarage and yes you can get your period while pregnant

Missed 3 periods having cramping and breast tenderness with feeling of being sick and my tubes are tied can you be pregnant?

Seems like this might be a good time to visit your doctor.

Although my periods are normally regular as clockwork I was due wed first Oct and have been having cramping as if you were on your period but nothing yet and I am not sure why this could be?

have you had sexual intercourse recently? you may have become pregnant.

Follicle is not ruptured but periods are regular can you get pregnant?

One can always GET pregnant. You are probably not currently pregnant if you have regular periods.

Mucous discharge with scanty blood in between periods?

If you have a mucous discharge with scanty blood in between your periods, you may have a yeast infection. You should talk to your physician.