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I've had braces for a year and they flatout hurt! They are unsightly and painful too! Even worse is the way they look! I've tried everything but the only one that I've liked is fishyfloss though it's not easy to get it's really easy to floss:> I hate braces }: (

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Q: You have braces you hate flossing how do you make flossing go quicker?
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How can those wearing braces floss their teeth?

Special floss threaders are available to make flossing easier. Also if you have the glue on braces (unlike the wrap around, you just glue the brace on) the wire connecting the braces are in the way of flossing. So you have to use your floss and thread it into the wire and floss. (it's hard to floss the back ones) :(

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you can not make your period come quicker.

How do you make yourself get braces?

If you actually want braces, you're crazy. p.s. you need crooked teeth to get braces.

Are braces ugly?

no braces arn't ugly they make your teeth straight where they will be prettier

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How do you make out with braces?

you would do the same thing just like you didnt have braces on.

Why does Niall wear braces?

he had crooked teeth he wanted it to make it straight by wearing braces

Does onion in soup make it go off quicker?

No, onion does not make it go off quicker.

How do you make mouth grills?

get braces

How can you and make out with some one when you both have braces with out getting stuck?

Your braces aren't going to get stuck. That's just a "RUMOR"

Can you make out with braces?

No. You need a live human person. Hardy Har Har. If you meant another person with braces or if you have braces, then yes u can.

What is the alternative of flossing the teeth?

A dental water jet can be a viable alternative to flossing. It is fun to use and the water jet can get to some hard-to-reach places. It also massages and stimulates gums to make them more healthy.