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Q: You have diagnosed a cyst over your left ovary you have to ask that can you concive and deliver baby along with this cyst or not?
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What happens when ovary size increases?

When the ovary size increases this could spell danger. This is might be a tumor or a cyst which should be properly diagnosed.

What Law scholl did Miranda from SATC graduate from?

Harvard Law School. I think once when she was diagnosed with a lazy ovary, Miranda told her girls that her ovaries went to Harvard.

What would happen if i didn't have a ovary?

First, it would depend on why you only have one ovary-- most females have two. But sometimes an ovary is removed because of a disease like cancer, although it's more common to remove both ovaries when cancer is diagnosed. But if for some reason you have one ovary, you would still have your period (although some sources say women with only one ovary go through menopause earlier). And you could still become pregnant (if you wanted to). In fact, unless you have other conditions (like cysts), having only one ovary should not be a big problem in your life.

The base of the pistil is the?

its the ovule

After fertilisation what does the ovary become?

the ovary does not become fertilized and remains an ovary. if you mean the egg, it becomes a Zygote.

In seed plants the what contains the egg?


What is the definition of ovary?

of Ovary

Identify the plant part that houses the ovules?

the ovary

Which do you call the diploid cell of a flower which gives rise to an egg cell?


What does an adnexa in ovary looks like?

An ovary is part of the adnexa. The ovary doesn't have an adnexa. The adnexa are the ovary and tube.

How does the egg move to the fallopian tube when you is discharged by an ovary?

the finger-like projections called villi push it along the fallopian tube

The swollen base of pistil where ovules form?

The Ovary.