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infection from influenza a but you just migth have h1n1 or the Swine Flu i had it myself and i had those same symthems

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Q: You have had a constant headache for 4 days. a temp of 104. eyes hurt to move. and you have been waking up several times at night shivering or really hot. what might you have?
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I never really had found the real answer for this but. I think there is such a thing don't you? I personally gets headache from all the smell i sense and there are some smell that i can avoid but some i really can't and i get a major headache from the smell.

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bad headache and if it is really bad you may vomit

What is the headache?

when your brain gets really hot and feels like if its shaking

What is severe Headache?

Hmm.... it's hard to be scientific about that, but for example a light headache could be when you get a cold and feel a bit bad. Severe is really when you can't ignore it, maybe when there's a visible physical reaction when a person has a headache.

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when your brain gets really hot and feels like if its shaking

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yes but if they really love you no

How can I cure a headache really quickly?

take tylonol and lay down and go to sleep!!!!!!!

Can cold causes headache?

Yes, they can, but they don't always. Like, sometimes, if your nose is really stuffed up, then you can't breathe, right? Yeah, that could kind of make your head throb. But it wouldn't like be a really super severe headache.