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It is likely Tobe the sweat glands. ^They can look like little bumps on the skin. The difference is they are under the skin and not on top. easy diagnosis. If worried, attend local GUM clinic for free check up.

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11y ago

If the symptoms feel like herpes then it's probably herpes. Some times herpes symptoms can be very distinctive. But you should see a doctor and have them test you to be sure.

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Why do I have White blisters on tongue and flu like symptoms?

With the white blisters and flu like symptoms, it's common for that to be the herpes simplex virus. However, never diagnose yourself on the internet as it could be something else; see a doctor.

Which sti does the herpes simplex virus cause?

Herpes typically affects the mouth (causing cold sores or fever blisters) or the genitals (causing the eruptive disease herpes). Symptoms usually include: Itching, burning and or tingling around the infected area. Swelling Fever and or flu like symptoms. With genital herpes, burning pain when you urinate. Raised blisters or open paper cut like sores.

What does hepies look like?

There is nothing as such. This could be the mispelling of term Herpes

Genital Herpes: Symptoms, Testing and Treatment?

Herpies is a common sexually transmitted disease that affects at least one-fifth of the population of the United States. Approximately 80% of people with herpes do not know they have the disease and at least one million new infections are diagnosed each year in the US. Genital herpes can be treated but cannot be cured. Read on to learn more about this common disease.What is herpes?Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the herpes simplex virus type 2. Another type of the virus that occurs in and around the mouth is caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1.What are the symptoms of genital herpes?Many people that have genital herpes never experience symptoms. Other people have symptoms so mild that they go unnoticed. Some people experience symptoms that last for weeks before subsiding. Symptoms can return at any point during life, even years after the initial outbreak.Common symptoms of genital herpes include blisters, open sores, itching, painful urination or inability to urinate and pain in the genital area. Patients may also experience chills, headache, flu-like symptoms, fever, swelling of the arms, throat or genitals and fatigue.The first symptoms tend to appear about 14 to 20 days following infection but some patients have no symptoms for years before having an outbreak.How is herpes diagnosed?The only way to know for sure if you have herpes is to see a medical professional. A physical exam may be performed if you are experiencing symptoms. If you have not had an outbreak, a blood test can determine your status.Can herpes be treated?Although there is no cure for herpes, the disease can be treated. Certain medications can help relieve symptoms and shorten the length of an outbreak. At home, herpes patients can lessen their discomfort by taking a warm bath and wearing lightweight clothing. Pain medications such as aspirin can also provide relief.

What is cat herpes?

My cat has herpes. It will not go away. Her eye flares up horribly and she has to take Lysine and eye drops. She was born that way. Cats can get a type of herpes that doesn't affect people. It's called FHV1 (feline herpes virus 1) and can cause cold-like symptoms and eye problems.

What are facts about genital herpes?

Genital herpes is a common sexually transmitted infection caused by the herpes simplex virus. It can be transmitted through oral, vaginal, or anal sex with an infected person. Symptoms can include painful sores or blisters on the genital area, flu-like symptoms, and itching or tingling sensations. Treatment focuses on managing symptoms with antiviral medication and practicing safe sex to prevent transmission.

Can you get boils on your vagina if that is what this looks like?

Yes, you can develop boils on the vagina and anywhere else on your body. If your not sexually active, you can rule out herpes or warts.

What does the rhinovirus cause in horses?

The equine Rhinovirus is a type of equine influenza caused by the equine herpes virus. It can cause severe flu like symptoms and even death.

What are the main symptoms of herpes zoster?

Herpes zoster is also called Shingles. It is more common in older adults and often compared to the feeling of chicken pox. Adults can get a vaccine for shingles, however it does not always work. The symptoms include feeling flu like, itchy skin, and sometimes even blurry vision. Many people also get blister like spots on their skin that last for 2 to 4 weeks.

What diseases could you have if you have little bumps on penis and genitals?

you should get that checked out... HERPES!!

Are these pregnancy symptoms?

There are many symptoms that could indicate pregnancy. Swollen and tender breasts are one symptom. Weight gain, nausea, and exhaustion are some other more common symptoms. Some or all could be indications that you are pregnant but all could also be symptoms of something else.

What could a pain in right side like a stitch be?

It could be a pain in the liver. more symptoms please