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Yes, until one male kills the other or the pacus eat them both.

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Q: You have red bellied pacu's can you put your 2 male beta's in the 125 gallon tank with them?
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Are male betas scared of mirriors?

They are not scared. They attack the reflection in the mirror. Male betas are aggressive toward other male betas, so when they see there reflection, they flare up and try to attack the "other fish."

Two female betas agains a male betas who will win?

The males fight for the female. Not usually with the female. In general, the male will harass the female to breed, but not fight with it.

How do you determine the sex of Red Belly Pacus?

Male Pacus tend to have a more obvious red belly than females. Some also say the males gave a more "pointed" dorsal fin, but I have a male and female and their dorsal fins don't seem to look any different. Hope that helps!

Can crownttail betas live with regular betas?

2 male Bettas can not be kept together. Crowntails are the same species (Betta splendens) the only difference is in the tail shape.

Why do male and female betas fight?

because they are just like people dating they fight

How do you know the sex of a fire-bellied toad?

If you put 2 f. bellied toads together in the spring and summer, the male will bark and the female will respond by having sex w/ the male.

Can you put two male betas in the same tank?

Only long enough to breed. Once they have spawned, the male will chase the female from the nest. If she cannot retreat far enough (at least 30 gallon tank), he will kill her.

How do you tell the difference between a female betta and a male betta?

Male betas are colorful and have large fins. Females have virtually no fins and have no color

How you can tell a female betta from male betta?

usally femal betas will lay eggs and they`re smarter!!

How can you tell if your fire bellied newt is a male or female?

males have longer tails

Why is your male betta scaring your female betta?

I am no expert, but believe that betas are solitary and prefer to have a fish bowl to themselves.