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maybe and maybe not because i am trying to help but every1 can

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Q: You have symetric lumps in your both arms near elbow so you are interested what can this be?
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What are examples of the elbow and the knee?

The things on your legs, and the things on you arms!

Parts for American Arms?

find the name of your arm from your fingers to the elbow.

Name the bones of the arms?

the elbow bone the toher bones and the hand bones

For girls who shave their arms do they go past their elbow then where to stop?

visit the following URL

Where is the the basille located?

The basilic vein is located in the arms. It runs from the wrist to the elbow where it is visible on the underside of the forearm. Once it gets past the elbow it gets deeper into the arm under the muscles and gets larger as it helps drain the blood from the arms.

What happens if only one bicep is working?

One of your arms won't be able to bend at the elbow.

What is the scientific name for upper arms?

The upper arm, from shoulder to elbow, is the brachium. The lower arm, from elbow to wrist, is the antebrachium.

What is the inner arm at elbow joint called?

the antecubital space

I'm one year old what are these tiny lumps on the back of my upper arms?

Say this to mom: "MA! Quit messin' wit' my health, and get me to the pediatrician! Those guys on WikiAnswers are smart and nice, but they ain't no docters!! No tellin' what them lumps are, but they look suspicious to me..."

Is tennis bad for your elbow?

Yes it can be bad for your elbow. As you develop your tennis skills, you may experience heavier racquets that could sometimes hurt your elbow. If you notice that your elbow throbs, see a doctor. There is such a thing as "tennis elbow" and it is where the inside part of your elbow is enflamed.

What do biceps triceps and deltoids do?

Biceps flex the arm at the elbow, and triceps (along with the brachialis) extend it. The deltoids raise the arms.

What are these red swollen lumps on arms that fill with puss and what are some symptoms?

Could be pimples, could be boils. Without further information it would be difficult to tell.