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I am not sure I understand your question but I will try to answer what I think you are asking.

Why should you create leads?

This can be cheaper than buying leads.

You should create a website that has a contact form.

You should entice visitors to fill out the form by offering something of value.

Free ebooks, or audio series, or video series, or something along those lines that pertain to your industry. Once they fill out the form, you are starting to build a list.

This is helpful because once you have a list, you have a group of individuals interested in what you're offering. You can send an email to everyone on your list telling them why they should sign up with your MLM. This list will be more responsive than general traffic.

Also, most MLM companies prohit cross-recruiting. Meaning you can't ask your downline to switch to/or join a different company. If you have a list, you can just send an email informing them of this different company and why they should join.

When you send people directly to the company website, you loose this chance.

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Q: You heard that MLM leads would increase the website traffic What is the good idea for creating MLM leads?
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