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That sounds very normal. Here is a web site that I'm sure will help.

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Q: You it normal that you only have 18 days between your periods?
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Is it normal for your periods to be 3 days late?

Absolutely!!! its perfectly normal the average is to only have it every month!!!

Is it normal to get your period for only 3 days if you are in your mid-twenties?

yes completely normal. A periods can last anywhere from 3 to 9 days.

Do girl have a periods of 2 days?

Some girls have it for a few days and to answer your question yes it is normal. So yes some girls have it for only 2 days.

Is it normal to get periods for two days only in a month for a virgin teenager?

yes, if it's your first time starting.

Is it normal for like the last 3 periods for them to only last 2 to 3 days?

Yes. Your period can last anything from 1-8 days

Are two week periods normal?

14 days? Menstruation is only suppose to last for not more than 10 days. If it goes beyond that you should go see a doctor. So NO its not normal.

Why did your period only last three days?

Some women have light periods. It is nothing to worry about.

Can periods last for only 4 days?

Yes they can. In fact, a period can be as short as 1 day and as long as 8 days, which is still within the normal range.

What does it mean when your periods are normally 7 days since you started them and then all of a sudden you have one that lasts 3 days only?

Nothing, it's completely normal!

What if you only bled for 4 days?

The length of a menstrual period is typically between 4-7 days, so although 4 days is on the shorter end of the scale it's still perfectly normal. It is also normal for your period to vary from one cycle to the next, so even if your menstrual periods are normally longer than this the occasional shorter period is still nothing to worry about.

Is it normal to have two days menstrual flow in a month?

It is normal if it is normal for you. If you have always had 2 day long periods, then there is probably nothing to worry about. However, if you normally experience longer periods and now they have shortened, take a look at your everyday activities. Athletic women tend to have shorter lighter periods than non-athletic women, and things like birth control pills can have an effect on how long you bleed for. So basically if it is normal for you, count yourself lucky that you only have to bleed for 2 days.

Why is it unlikely to have a blue moon in February?

February has only 28 days in "normal" years, and there are 29.5 days between full moons.