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14 days? Menstruation is only suppose to last for not more than 10 days. If it goes beyond that you should go see a doctor. So NO its not normal.

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Q: Are two week periods normal
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Can you get two normal heavy periods each within 28 days of one another and have no symptoms for ten weeks and still be pregnant?

No. Two normal heavy periods and no symptoms of pregnancy sound like your definitely not pregnant.

I'm spotting a week before my period. Does this mean im pregnant?

Yes, it's completely normal to spot before menstruation. Your period doesn't have an on/off switch, it will start light with a little blood leaving your body and mixing with discharge so can be brown or pink rather than red, this will typically occur a few days before your period starts. It's also normal to get spotting up to two weeks before your period as a result of ovulation.

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about a week to two weeks if the dog is not normal in about two weeks you should take it to a vet

Is it normal to get a period every week of the month?

No, this is not normal. It is very important that you go and speak to your doctor or gynaecologist about it, so that they are able to regulate your periods so that they only come once a month.

2 periods in one month sign of pregnancy?

I had two periods in one month and I'm pregnant. So i guess if you're asking if it happens.....yes it's possible. My first period was "normal" and the second a couple weeks later was very light. Found out about a week after that i was pregnant due to nausea.

Is it normal to start your periods then not have another one for months?

Yes, you can have periods and not have another for mouths its completely normal.

Is having your period for 4 days normal?

Yes, it is totally normal. Everyone's different. Some girls/women's periods last 2 or 3 days, while others' last a week or so.

Is it normal for a 12 year old to have her period then a week later have it again?

This will not be two periods - a week isn't long enough for your body to have gone through a menstrual cycle. One of these bleeds may have been menstruation, but the other is likely to have been bleeding for another reason. It's normal for pre-teens and teens to experience irregular patterns of bleeding as it takes time for hormones to regulate.

What is normal frequency of intercourse?

once in two days

Is it normal for a virgin to miss two periods?

Yes, it can be. If you are under stress this can cause missed periods. If you have been sick, on a diet, all of these things can cause missed periods. If you are young and just starting your periods it is common to skip months or to have irregular period. It takes a year or two before a cycle becomes regular.

Can periods last for two weeks?

Yeah, periods vary in length for everyone. If you haven't had your period very long then its normal to be irregular. By the time you are 16, your period should be normal. If not, see a doctor. They can prescribe you birth contol which will regulate your period.

Is it normal to get periods for two days only in a month for a virgin teenager?

yes, if it's your first time starting.