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if only just pregnant then yes it wouldn't show up on a test

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Q: You just started having symptoms of a miscarriage but the home pregnancy test says negative.Could you really be having a miscarriage?
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May have had a miscarriage you passed tissue but you did not save it and didnt think anything of it until you just started your period again i had no other signs or symptoms of a miscarriage?

Were you diagnosed as pregnant? If you were in fact pregnant and now started you period again you "did" have a miscarriage. In the early stages of pregnancy a miscarriage is not always going to have any major symptioms. Discharging tissue could be something else if you weren't pregnant. I would see a doctor if you continue to have such discharge in the future.

How far along into pregnancy do you start getting the symptoms?

it can be different for everyone. i was pregnant back in august i had a miscarriage but about a week andf a half into it i started having signs and it wasnt long after that that i lost it. so from maybe a week and so on.

I was showing all the symptoms of pregnancy for about 2 weeks Then the symptoms started to fade and I started to pass blood clots with lots of pelvic pain could it have been a miscarriage?

It would be good to know the "symptoms of pregnancy" you showed. Some women do bleed about 1-3 weeks after conception, which is why many find out they're pregnant only when they are already 8 weeks pregnant, because they think the bleeding was their monthly period. If you're not sure you should consult a gynecologist in any case.

I had my tubes tied one year ago I didnt trust it 100 percent when it was done. I started spotting on Tuesday and that evening it got real heavy with a lot of clots. Could this have been a miscarriage?

If you had a miscarriage, you'll have a positive pregnancy test. Take a pregnancy test. If it's negative, it wasn't a miscarriage.

How soon can you have symptoms of pregnancy?

As soon as you get pregnant. I started getting symptoms when i was a month I was always sick i guess it really depends on the person.

Can a miscarriage be detected in a month of pregnancy because you have just started your period 10 days late and have had positive and negative pregnancy results?

yes, it happend to me.... i wish you the best of luck hun

I had a miscarriage 4wks 2 days ago i havent started my period yet. I took a home pregnancy test and it was negative. could i still be pregnant or is this normal after a miscarriage?

all i am going to say is go to the hospital please

If you take a pregnancy test and it comes out negative but you the pregnancy symptoms Could you be pregnant?

You could by a small chance, but, you might also imagine the symptoms (phantom pregnancy). Or your pregnancy is too small at the moment. Try testing again in a week or two (when your period hasn't started). If still negative and you got the symptoms and no period then go see a doctor.

Can you have symptoms of being pregnant if you are only fifteen?

If you have started having your period you need to go get a pregnancy test.

Can you be pregnant but have what seems to be a regular period and still having pregnancy symptoms?

Yes, it can be possible. With my third pregnancy I knew I was pregnant before I had any symptoms. It is a womans intuition. But I started bleeding right on schedule so doctors assumed it was a miscarriage. My period was three days shorter than normal and I took a teast a week later to see that I had a baby waiting for me inside. But you must remember that pms symptoms are similar to pregnancy symptoms so if you still believe you are pregnant go see your doctor. You will get a free test and a valid answer.

A pregnancy test result was negative then you started bleeding. Now you've taken two pregnancy tests reading positive. Did you have a miscarriage when you started bleeding?

This is difficult to answer. It depends on whether you performed one or more pregnancy tests. If you only took one test then its very possible this test was faulty but false positives are not as common as false negatives. If the bleeding arrived when your period was due and was exactly like a period then I would personally believe this was your period and is not caused by a miscarriage.

Is there any symptoms that are more of pregnancy symptoms and not a stomach virus?

Pregnancy signs are absent period and positive pregnancy test. If you think you might be pregnant, take a test. If you're not pregnant and don't want to be, start using a method of pregnancy prevention today. Your local family planning center should be able to get you in for a same-day appointment for a pregnancy test, and get you started on prenatal vitamins if you're hoping for pregnancy, or get you started on birth control if this isn't the right time for you.