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If you really like her and feel ready then go for it. If not then dont assuming your going out you should be able to talk to her about it if your really worried

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Q: You know a girl likes you and wants sex how do you go about this?
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How do you know if the girl likes the sex?

Uh, ask her?

How do you know a girl wants sex?

Marry her and then ask her - in that order.

How do you know if your boyfriend rely likes you?

maybe if he wants to have sex with you or if he's always happy with you.

What does a guy like in a girl that makes him want to go out with her and possibly have sex with her?

maybe he likes her shape and personality, and maybe he wants to get to know her, or maybe he thinks you'll do it with him. it depinds on the guy

What does it mean when a guy who has liking for a girl says that he wants to know her better physically?


What is simulated sex?

Simulated sex is when a girl wants to have sex but no nakedness akon and that girl had it

How do you know that if the girl is excited for sex or not and how you can excite them for a sex?

Well, if you want to have "a sex" with a girl, first you ask her whether she wants kids or not. If she says "no," then she doesn't want a sex and doesn't want you. The inverse if she says "yes."

What does it mean when a girl says she likes you and then says she is using you for sex?

It means she's a slut and wants nothing to do with you, she just wants your penis in her vagina cuz she's a sex addict and she's probably doing it to a couple other guys too.

What are the reaction between sex if a boy likes you and not just saying it to get you to have sex with him?

It depends. He could be a good actor, so right away you won't know. Time will definitely tell, though. If he continues to spend time with you (not just for sexual intercourse) he likes you. If he goes out of his way to do things with you he likes you. If all he wants is to do it then be on his way, he likes the sex.

What does a wink and a smile from a boy mean?

Girl, i think you have someone that likes you. =] Usually, if you know the boy, or he just does it randomly, that means he will see you later. Like, if you know each other and he does that, he is going to ask you out later. In different cases, if your going out, that means that he wants to have sex with you. But not necessarily. There you go, hope i helped. Jennifer. <3 Girl, i think you have someone that likes you. =] Usually, if you know the boy, or he just does it randomly, that means he will see you later. Like, if you know each other and he does that, he is going to ask you out later. In different cases, if your going out, that means that he wants to have sex with you. But not necessarily. There you go, hope i helped. Jennifer. <3

How do you know you if this boy really likes you or just want sex?

hmmm well if he really likes u hed be able to tell u what he likes about u so ask him what he likes about u and ask him how much he loves u and if he always askes u if u wanna have sex and hardly says i love you then all he wants is sex

This girl I like parents are away and so are mine she wants me to sleep over her house I don't know if she wants to have sex with me while I am there what should I do?

go for it!