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To make unsteady

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Q: You know that the word stable means steady which of the following is the most likely definition of the word destabilize?
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Which of the following is the most likely definition of the word destabilize?

To destabilize means to make something less stable or secure, often resulting in chaos or unrest.

What is the definition of the word stable?


Why dont radioactive elements have a stable nucleus?

By definition. If it were stable, then it would not be radioactive.

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What is the definition of instability?

to be unstable is instability tanzeelaNot stable/the opposite.

What term fits this definition a strong stable person?

my mom

Why is the staggered confirmation of ethane more stable than the eclipsed confirmation?

1. The repulsion between bonds on adjacent atoms destabilize the eclipsed conformation. 2. Better electron delocalization stabilizes the staggered conformation.

To become more stable fluorine is likely to?

To become more stable, fluorine is most likely to gain 1 electron and form F- ion.

What is a definition for the word constant?

A stable state that remains steady and unchanging.

Definition of elements that are stable?

This is an element (more exactly an isotope) which is not radioactive.

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How do you prevent a unstable salt from oxidising?

You must make it stable if it is unstable it will oxidise by definition. You would have to add another element to make the compound stable but you would then be changing it to a stable salt.