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Well considering what goes up your nose daily and the fact that you had a staph infection, I would suggest you consult your doctor to be sure you wont have any issues with the piercing. Your sinuses retain bacteria, mould spores, irritants and whole host of other airborne nasties so having had staph means your system won't be as strong as it was and may react poorly to the piercing. See your doc for advice.

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Q: You like to get your septum pierced but you had staph infection from a tat not to long ago so is it ok to go ahead and get the piercing?
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Should you get your nosed pierced?

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You may have an infection. I got my lobes pierced, and my left ear got infected, but now my right ar is infected, and not my left. My piercer told me to put "a topical ointment" on it if it gets infected (a topical ointment is something like Neosporin which works well for me). I also take Ibuprofen an hour or so before bed so I sleep easier, and it doesn't hurt as much. Go ahead and call a doctor or piercer. Even if you don't have your cartilage pierced, put Noesporin on it, take Ibuprofen, and calll a doctor.

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