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that is normal don't get freaked out or scarred when you don't take your birth contro right is can mess up your whols cycle trust me..I was very bad with taking the pill the same time every day i hav ethe patch now anyways....I had a couple skipped periods i had spotting like lal the time their for a few months i had a period that lasted 2 weeks it was bad and nasty but all normal

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Q: You miss 3 pills in a row on the last week you are supposed to get your period but you are just spotting very lightly it never happened before?
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If you have spotting a day before your period is due you have never had spotting before could you be pregnant?

Spotting before you get a heavier flow is very normal...If you are normally like clockwork and you only have spotting and do not get a regular flo within the next 3-4 days then it is very possible that you are pregnant and that the spotting is implantation bleeding.

Is spotting right before your period mean that your are not pregnant?

No. Spotting can occur during pregnancy.

Why are you spotting before and after my period?

your pregnant

What does it mean if you had your period and started spotting for 3 days?

It could still be your period. When I was 18 I got my normal period,then started spotting a few days after.(that had never happened before) Turns out,I was pregnant.So,it's either still your period,or you're pregnant.

If i have had my IUD for about 3 years now and I've been spotting for 3 days now and its never happened before also i just had my period like 2 weeks ago What is going on?

If its a mirena, it is pretty common to have spotting. I spotted for 6 months straight and finally had it taken out because I could not deal with the constant spotting.

Why are you spotting 3 days after your period?

this exact thing happened to me im worried about this as worried it could be implantation bleeing althought that is usually before. maybe it is just random?

What is light spotting for two days then heavy bleeding suggest since this has never happen to you before?

Bleeding lightly for a few days then it starts to get heavy can many a few things. It depends on your health and your medical history and you could also be pregnant.

What does it mean when you are spotting before your period?

Spotting is normal before your period - your period doesn't just suddenly start, it starts slowly at first so only small amounts of blood will leave your body, this is spotting.

Is spotting normal before your period?


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Why smell a strong blood odor while spotting?

I have been trying really hard to get pregnant this past month and I have alot of concern. I have had a strong odor while urination for the whole month and now I have spotting before my period supposed to be here. What should I do ? I have cramping too and the color of the blood turning to brown.

What does spotting mean before your period in your 15?

Spotting is just when there are small amounts of blood in your discharge. If this is just before your period then it is likely just the start of your period.