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It is possible; you should probably take a test or consult your doctor.

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Q: You missed your period for ten days and dont have any pregnancy symptoms you are pregnant?
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How women knows that she is pregnant?

Missed period, common pregnancy symptoms, and/or a positive pregnancy test.

How do you know you'r pregnant?

Missed period, common pregnancy symptoms, and a positive pregnancy test.

You have missed your period and had a positive pregnancy test but am not having pregnancy symptoms?

You don't need to have symptoms to be pregnant. Some people don't get symptoms for weeks. You're definitely pregnant. i would go to the doctor and get it checked

What pregnancy symptoms start showing at 5 weeks pregnant?

The most common pregnancy symptoms at five weeks are missed period, nausea, breast tenderness, and fatigue.

How long will it take for a woman to know she is pregnant and what are the symptoms?

Hello. A woman can only tell she is pregnant by doing a pregnancy test then by seeing her doctor for confirmation on the results of the pregnancy test. The first indication of pregnancy is a missed period.

Is there any chance you are not pregnant even though you missed your period and have pregnancy symptoms and two positive home pregnancy tests?

No. Go to your doctor and find out what you want to do.

Are you pregnant if your having spotting during your period and then miss your next period?

Spotting is very common during the course of pregnancy and the combined symptoms of spotting then a missed period certainly could indicate pregnancy. However it is very common for women who are not pregnant to have a missed period or spotting. I suggest a pregnancy test which are readily available at almost any store and to consult your doctor.

Can you find your pregnancy symptoms before your period?

The first symptoms of pregnancy normally come just after your first missed period, but the most common symptom is feeling tired and having this feeling that you are pregnant.

Will vaginal becomes some how loose after missed period is that a pregnancy symptom?

This is not a symptoms of pregnancy.

How can you tell the difference between symptoms of pregnancy and stress I think Im pregnant because Im late on my period and have many other symptoms but I have been very stressed out lately too?

If you have already missed your period, take a pregnancy test and what that pregnancy test says is your answer

How do you know if your girlfriendss pregnant or not?

You're symptoms of pregnancy include: missed period, fatigue, swollen and or tender breasts, mood swings, flu like symptoms, nausea, implantation bleeding (slightly different than a period) etc. Not all women will experience pregnancy symptoms so if you do suspect you might be pregnant, you should take a test rather than relying solely on symptoms. Not all women do experience a missed period during the first few weeks of pregnancy, so again, it is important to use other determinations of pregnancy other than symptoms. It is important for you to confirm your pregnancy as soon as possible to ensure the proper care and safety of you and your new baby. Most of these symptoms will start about two weeks after the first day of your missed period.

You have been having many symptoms of pregnancy and ive tried 3 pregnancy test but they all came out negative and you havent missed your period yet could you be pregnant?

Yes you can