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Q: You passed a small round pink glob in your stool what could this be?
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Related questions

What are long three inch worms in puppies stool?

they could be round worms....your puppy would need to be dewormed

How long is constipation?

Constipation lasts until the stool is passed.

Another word for a small bench?

a stool ??

Where could one purchase a leather foot stool?

A leather foot stool can be bought at all major furniture stores. Chances are that retail chains like Sears or Wallmart sell a small assortment of furniture as well.

Can roundworms be passed human to human?

Round worms do not transfer from human to human directly. The female round worm passes thousands of ova in the stool of host, after fertilization. The ova get conditioned in the soil. When these ova are ingested by another person, he gets the infestation by round worm.

Can a small child pass a penny in there stool?

Depends how small - usually yes

Round tick looking bugs in stool?

I just found this fun and educated short questionnaire online I wanted to know if I could lose weight within 4 days

What is a puncheon stool?

The stool was an easily, and often, constructed piece of frontier furniture. The stool is a length of log, split in half, with the flat side up and four short legs fitted into the bottom round section of the log half.

What kind of worms are round and yellow and can be seen in a dogs stool?

Roundworm If it is your dog you need to treat it for worms.

How can you kiss your crush if he's to tall for you?

Step up on a small stool.

If a persona bowel movements are overly large what should one do?

This could be an indication of "Spastic Colitis" within the Colon and needs to be treated by a medical professional. Failure to seek medical help could result in a ruptured colon or a stool that cannot be passed.

What if you ate a LEGO?

It depends - if you are an adult & the Lego is small, it will probably pass through your digestive tract and be passed out with your stool. If it is a child, it could get stuck in the throat all the way through & cause an obstruction in the bowel or even a perforation (hole) in the bowel if it's sharp & large. This could possibly happen in an adult as well. In either case it's not a good idea - your body can not break down substances that are plastic - it could be dangerous.