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I wouldn't worry about it to much unless you go a few months without your period and you know that you aren't pregnant. Sometimes different things can cause you to miss your period. A few things that can interrupt your cycle are stress, hormones, being sick, ect. Just wait it out and see if you start next month, if not then make an appointment to see your family doctor. Hope this helps!

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Q: You skipped your period last month and you aren't pregnant What should you do?
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. . . means that you arent pregnant.

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It may mean you are pregnant - but after only a month you could just be about to start

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It could be: Stress Anxiety Illness Being very upset Being very excited about something such as a friend visiting

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yes, your breast maay never get sore while you are pregnant

Could you be pregnant when you got sex on the third day of your period?

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