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His responsibilities are with the girl that he got pregnant! Pregnancy is a serious thing and he is going to have a lot of problems to resolve with this girl and her parents not to mention his own parents. He has enough problems right now so it's better to move on and date someone else.

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Q: You sort of have feeling for this guy that you hang with but he kind of got another girl pregnant but you still want him what should you do?
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How common is a false negative?

not very, but if you think you might still be pregnant, take another test and that should do it (if you still don't believe it, check with a doctor)

What does it mean if i took 4 pregnant test and they are all negative?

Most likely the indication would be that you are not pregnant. However, if you are still feeling worried about this, you should go see a physician and have an actual blood pregnancy test administered.

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You should talk to your health provider (doctor) about this.You can do whatever you want. But whether you should do it is another question.

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A woman cannot conceive while she is pregnant, but if the symptoms of pregnancy are false and she is not pregnant, she could conceive.

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In some cases yes you can, But go to a doctor to be sure!

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No. If you are pregnant and bleeding you should contact your Dr immediately.

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It's not likely that the IUD removal affected your fertility.

Can I still be pregnant even though urine test at physician's was negative?

It's very unlikely, but you should talk to your doctor if you have symptoms of something--it could be you're pregnant after all, or it could be you have another condition.

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I think you should wait a couple more days and take another test if it still says your not but you still feel this way you should go to the doctor and have then check you out.

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No. If you are pregnant and bleeding you should contact your Dr right away.

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I had exactly the same thing as you. The reasons for feeling pregnant is caused by your hormones. Even is the fetus is no longer alive but you havent miscarried you can still feel pregnant

Is it likely you're pregnant with none of the usual symptoms other than amenorrhea inconclusive tests X2 one from gp?

Pregnant and not pregnant are both possible. Wait another couple weeks and take another test. If you still haven't started your period you should talk to your doctor about reasons why you have skipped a period.