

Best Answer You should also use a condom.

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Q: You stopped taking your combined contraceptive pill for a month you are now back on it and have been for five days Am i protected?
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Can you drink while taking contraceptive pills?

you die

Could you get pregnant if you were on the pill for a month but stopped taking it then 21 days later you had protected sex?

It depends on what you were using as protection on day 21.

I've just started taking mercilon contraceptive I've taken 8 pills so far am I protected from pregnancy?

Please talk to your health care professional or find the official instructions for your contraceptive. My understanding is that one must take birth control pills for a month to be assured of contraceptive effects. Meanwhile use a backup method like condoms or foam according to the instructions.

I started taking the pill on the first day of your period and your period stopped the next day is this normal and am you protected from pregnancy?

It is common. Yes as long as you continue to take your pills according to the directions you should be protected.

Does taking the contraceptive pill lead to thrush development?

The contraceptive pill can flare up candida of which thrush is a common symptom

Why didn't i bleed after taking the pill?

can you start to bleed after just taking one contraceptive pill?

Taking the contraceptive injection and dont know when your next dose is how long does it take for the contraceptive to last?

They usually last six months.

How long will it take to have menstruation after only taking oral contraceptive pills for a week?

If you stopped taking them after a week you should start your period in three to five days. If you are 7 days into a new packet you probably won't start your "period" until the week you take the inactive pills.

Can you become pregnant by only taking one emergency contraceptive?


Can you become pregnant after taking emergency contraceptive?

There are such chances but in a very little percent.

Can anyone conceive even after taking regular contraceptive pills?

It is Statisically possible

How do you know if the contraceptive pill you are taking is working?

You wait 12 days and then take a HPT.