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all this does not usually set in until around the third month of pregnancy. A lot of woman think their pregnant and do cause their bodies to do all this, even thought they are not pregnant. Many woman have a lot of these symptoms most of the time!

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Q: You think im pregnant you have a lot of symptoms nausea dizziness cravings fatigue swollen and tender breasts but when you stand up your stomach is really hard?
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Can you be pregnant if you have heartburn cramps bloated gas nausea dizziness and your breasts hurt and you have little bumps around your nipples but you're never hungry?

Yes you could be pregnant. There pregnancy symptoms.

What are the main symptoms of pregnancy?

The main symptoms aremissed period,nausea with or without vomiting,tiredness,dizziness,breast changes and breast tenderness, andfrequent urination.The main symptoms of pregnancy are nausea, dizziness, heartburn, missed period, strange food cravings, bloated stomach, mild cramping, gassy, sore breasts and having light implantation bleeding.

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probs yes

How do you find out if your pregnant if you have abnormal periods?

Feeling sick/actually being sick Headaches Food cravings Food/smell aversions DIzziness Exhausted Positive pregnancy test Tender/sore breasts Needing to pee more

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Pregnant women may have food cravings, nausea, tiredness, enlarged breasts, and mood swings. Each woman has different symptoms. In fact a woman could show different symptoms for each pregnancy.

What are the symptoms of a pregnancy?

Pregnant women usually will first realize they are pregnant when they miss their period. Other symptoms include tenderness in the breasts and morning sickness.

What are the symptoms of being pregnant before your missed period?

-Implantation Bleeding (Spotting) -Delay or a Difference in Menstruation -Swollen and/or Tender Breasts -Fatigue/Tiredness -Nausea/Morning Sickness -Backaches -Headaches -Frequent Urination -Darkening of Areolas -Food Cravings These are the most common symptoms of pregnancy.

Whats your period like when pregnant?

* missed period * swollen breasts * tender breastsThe top 3 are going to more than likely be the first signs of pregnancy* changes in color of the breasts * fatigue * sensitivity to odors * food cravings * frequent urination No period, morning sickness, mood swings, gaining weight...the belly grows.... Symptoms of pregnancy are as follows: * Missed period. * Breast & nipple tenderness. * Abdominal cramping. * Increase in Vaginal mucous. * Nausea. * Vomiting. * Food cravings. * Food adversions. * Headache. * Tiredness.

Can you be pregnant and not have sore breasts?

Yes, all women have different symptoms. Some women even have different symptoms with each pregnancy.

If you breasts are sore could you be pregnant?

Yes you could, you get all the symptoms of a normal pregnancy.

Are there specific symptoms to indicate pregnancy?

Yes: Feeling sick/actually being sick Exhausted Emotional/moody Sore/tender breasts Missed period Headaches Food cravings Certain foods/smells/colours that make you feel/be sick Positive pregnancy test You could have all or even none of these symptoms and be pregnant

If you have nausea and are constantly tired but do not have sore breasts could you still be pregnant?

yes,you still COULD be pregnant. Not every woman has the same symptoms but nausea and tiredness are most definitely symptoms.