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It depends on what move you class as 'hurting'. Some moves obviously hurt more than others, although I doubt the Sweet Chin Music would hurt, unless it hit you full on. # Knock your opponent to the floor. # Walk into the corner of the ring. # If your opponent will be down a while, have a rest against the turnbuckle but not too long. # Grab the top ropes on either side of you as the opponent starts to stir. # Pull down on the ropes lifting your foot, then up as you stomp the mat. # Repeat till your opponent is on their feet. # As they start to turn towards you, stomp/dance towards them sideways. Keep the stomping sound to a "da-dum, da-dum" pattern. # If you time it right, as they are facing you, you will have kicked upwards with a side kick towards their chin. Simultaneously slap your thigh to make an appropriate sound effect, but don't actually kick them.

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Sweet Chin Music was the finishing move performed by Shawn Michaels well he was a professional wrestler in the WWE. You can find videos of him performing it on YouTube and Dailymotion.

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