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You are pregnant. False positives are very rare. Pink spotting is common in early pregnancy and at this stage is probably caused by the fertilised egg implanting into the lining of the womb, which often causes spotting. However, speak to your doctor, gynaecologist, midwife or obstetrician about it. If the bleeding becomes heavy and painful, go to the hospital straight away

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Q: You took 3 pregnancy test that are positive but you are spotting pink?
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What colour does a pregnancy test go when positive?

Pink- Positive Blue-Negative

Just took 2 pregnancy test both positive but I'm having cramps and spotting help?

If both pregnancy tests are positive, you are pregnant. Those cramps and spotting is PERFECTLY normal. Nothing wrong there.

If a pregnancy test was positive could your 10-day spotting of brownish pink and light red still be implantation bleeding?

im in the same situation and just as confused. Ive been asking around for the same answer. What the overall consensus seems to be is that you can be spotting even after a positive test. It sounds like the spotting should be brown discharge and not heavy bleeding. Some sites even say that you can still have implantation bleeding 14 days into your pregnancy.

What does one pink line on a home pregnancy test mean?

Each pregnancy test kit is different in their readings. Check the label for the meaning of the one pink line to see if that represents a positive pregnancy test.

You were spotting before you took your pregnancy test and then it came out positive does that mean that you are pregnant?

Most probably YES

What is a positive reading with quick vue pregnancy test?

A blue line AND a pink line

On implanon im constantly spotting blood and lactating can i be pregnant?

You are unlikely to be pregnant on the implant. Signs of pregnancy are absent bleeding and positive pregnancy test.

You are spotting and im on the NuvaRing could you be pregnant or have an std?

Spotting could represent a side effect of NuvaRing or an STD. If your'e at risk for STDs, get tested. Signs of pregnancy are missing period and positive pregnancy test.

You took a pregnancy test on Saturday and it was positive. Can you just now be having implant bleeding on Wednesday?

No, you cannot have a positive test until about a week after implantation. Some women have a little bit of spotting during pregnancy. As long as you don't have a period and the pregnancy symptoms don't go away you should be fine. If you are worried take another test in a week or so and/or go to the doctor and ask for an ultrasound as you are spotting.

Is it possible to test positive when spotting?

Yes. Your hormones fluctuate quite a bit during and after a miscarriage. It can sometimes take up to a month before your levels go back to normal, so it is possible to have a positive result on a pregnancy test whether there is spotting or not.

I am 4 days late and have backache and very light pink spotting. Is this a sign of pregnancy. Had an ectopic pregnancy last year. Should I be worried?

Yes, thse are pregnancy symptoms. Try not to worry about ectopic pregnancy. Take a test

What does brownish pink spotting 5 days after a late light period mean?

It means that you might be pregnant. Take a test