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You are going to get raped by women.

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Q: You want to join a site of hackers and crackers who are spies indeedtell you one?
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Why did spies join the continental army?

The spies joined the contiental army because they want to help fight for America.

What is a good mkw clanto join?

r6 clan is a great clan for mkw mkds and even call odf duty!!! invites hackers and non-hackers (made by niovi and ashoina my biggest idols lol ) R6*toed

Call out to all hacker for the shadowfangs 3 or 2 hackers will be nice need to know how to hack account?

also goto to join thank you

Were people forced to be Nazis?

They were pressured by the people around them, to join or support the Nazi party. People who refused were often turned in as subversives or spies.

You got hacked on stardoll what do to this not happend again?

If you want more info, join club SeverythingX and add me : riskie4eva Remember, HACKERS are LOSERS and should not be ALOUD on stardoll. ADDD ME!!!

How to get into a 10th prestige lobby with no invite?

Its pretty much impossible unless one of your friends is in it and you can join session because hackers put the lobby in a private match so only people they want in can be put in.

What is a cracked server In Counter Strike?

It is a server without VAC security that can be played on by people with illegal copies of CS. They are usually swarmed by hackers and undesirable to join.

What is infiltrated?

Infiltration is the process by which water on the ground surface enters the soil. Infiltration rate in soil science is a measure of the rate at which soil is able to absorb rainfall or irrigation. It is measured in inches per hour or millimeters per hour.-Wikipedia

How do you write a letter inviting a friend in Diwali vacations?

Dear arnab, How are you ? I am fine , hope you spend your Durga puja very fantastically with your parents . But Diwali is not far off and already our locality resounds with crackers in the night. I am so excited that I've already exhausted my stock of crackers . Every month I got some money from my grandfather & this time from that money I arranged 500 rupees for our Diwali crackers and sweets . It's going to be great fun. Could you come and join the fun? Please took the permission from your parents & do it. Give my regards to your parents Your loving friend, Debmalya

What year could women join the army?

The age for everyone to join the military is 17, but for all of the branches you need a high school diploma. The Army sent me a letter saying they can take you in with a 10th grade education but you still need to be 17. Women were permanently allowed to join the military in the late 1940's.

Are there programs out there like the one Riley in national treasure uses to get passwords?

Dont get to excited but yes there are programs similar to those seen in the movie altough they are used in the military and created by hackers who are geniouses you probably will never get your hands on it unless you join the military, cia or other federal company

How do you join the leaf clan on toontown?

LEAF clan is now gone, and copy-cat clans have sprung up. LEAF clan was THE LARGEST clan in Toontown history, and was a kind clan that helped others and stopped hackers. The clan was actually a secret up until around 2006. Since the clan is gone now, you can't join it. To join the Leaf Clan, first you make a green toon ( any shade ). Next you pick any clothes you want. Finally, you name your toon ______ Leaf or Rainbow's ______.