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I don't really think that's the best thing to wear. Too old fashioned.

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6mo ago

Fashion trends can vary depending on personal taste and location, but wide brimmed straw hats and calico dresses are not commonly seen in mainstream fashion for 7th graders. However, fashion is subjective, and if you feel confident and happy in your style, that is what ultimately matters.

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Q: You wear wide brimmed straw hats with ribbons and calico dresses and are in 7th grade are your clothes in style?
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Material for making dresses in pioneer girl?

The answer is " Calico ". - Answered

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What is the material they used for making dresses in prairie days it starts with a C?

cotton Another possibiity is calico.

What did wear during the California gold rush?

woman wore calico dresses and some wore corsets

What did woman wear during the California gold rush?

woman wore calico dresses and some wore corsets

What is material for making dresses?

silk, yarn, or string. In the old times they used animal skins, or animal furs

Why is jhon rackham nickname calico jack?

John Rackam was known to wear clothing made out of a cotton woven fabric called calico. He stood out (as many pirate captains and officers did for wearing unusual and gaudy clothes) because the calico garments he wore tended to be colorful and flamboyant.

What is calico used for?

Calico fabric was popular during the 1800's. It was a common cotton fabric often known as being used by the pioneers. It is referenced in the "Little House on the Prairie" books as being used for dresses for the girls. Today it is used for quilting and other homemaking crafts.

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A calico quilt is a quilt made out of calico fabric.

What did you call the dresses back in the 1800s?

Reoccurring modes of dress for women in the 1800's were bustles, corsets (called "stays" in the early part of the century), petticoats, hoops, pantalets, floor-length dresses for women who had reached puberty. Most undergarments were made of muslin (sometimes silk or more expensive fabric for people who could afford them) and outer clothes were made from calico, lindsey-woolsey, wool and other durable, cheap fabrics that the working class could afford. Of course, those who enjoyed a more comfortable station in life had finer clothes made from finer materials.

What animals live calico?

no animals live in calico because calico is a type of fabric