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Try dancing to your favorite upbeat music without stopping for 30 minutes about four days a week, if you find yourself wanting to over eat than try to substitute fresh vegetables and fresh fruits in place of other snack foods, if you can, switch to whole grain bread. To cut down on snacking, try chewing a lot of gum. Why eat a cookie when you have delicious gum in your mouth? Also remember that muscle weighs more than fat- so it's not really how much you weigh that's important, but more how you look and feel.


Not going outside is causing you more problems than carrying around 146 pounds. Not going out means no sunshine or daylight. No sunshine or daylight means no vitamin D. No vitamin D means no metabolism of calcium. That means weak bones, rickets and many other disorders. Your'e 12 you have no need of fancy diets or regimes, get out, play, ride a bike, skate within your abiliy, the weight will fall off and you wil be both physically and mentally quicker and stronger, and more socially aware.

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Q: You weigh 146 pounds twelve years old and wondering what can help you lose weight where you don't have to go outside?
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